Nicole Hollins

Nicole Hollins, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA *

VTSS Assistant Director


Dr. Nicole Hollins (BCBA-D, LBA) is from Michigan and has been living in Virginia for three years. Nicole enjoys traveling and exploring food from various diverse cultures. Most recently, Nicole took up the hobby of baking and pottery. Outside of hobbies, Nicole's values include community, transparency, and integrity.

Professional Experience:

Dr. Nicole Hollins (BCBA-D, LBA) holds a M.A. and Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis from Western Michigan University. Dr. Hollins completed her Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Kansas, Juniper Gardens Children’s Project. Subsequently, she assumed the role of a Research Program Manager for a R01-NIH grant at the University of Virginia and currently is the Assistant Director of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support at Virginia Commonwealth University Research Implementation Center.

Her research focuses on assessing multitiered systems of support, training pre-or in-service teachers on evidence-based practices, and examining techniques to enhance adaptive behaviors among students with diverse abilities. Dr. Hollins has published her research in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters and sits on the Board of Editors for the Journal of Education and Treatment of Children. She has presented her research at conferences and workshops both locally and nationally. Dr. Hollins prioritizes community-engaged research to ensure her research directly addresses the needs of the stakeholders and community members. Through these efforts, Dr. Hollins has coordinated several grants that focused on evaluating instructional practices and educational inclusion. She has also developed efficient systems across various applied settings including public schools, private schools, universities, autism treatment centers, Head Start programs, family homes, and adult group homes.

Partnership Projects:


Expertise Areas:

  • Multi-tired Systems of Support
  • Applied Behavior Analysis


Western Michigan University ; Behavior Analysis

Certifications and Licensure:

  • Board Certified Behavior Analysts- Doctorate
  • Licensed Behavior Analyst 


2022 KU Postdoc Association Travel Award

2021 ABAI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper Competition

2020 Michigan First Credit Union 2020, Scholarship Recipient

2019 Morningside Summer School Institute Tuition and Housing Recipient

2014 Directors Honors List, Pathways Academic Student Success Program, Central Michigan University

2013 Dean’s List, College of Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences, Central Michigan University



Ledford, J, Lambert, J., Putejosky, J., Zimmerman, K., Hollins, N. A., & Barton, E. (2023). Single case design research in special education: Next generation standards and considerations. Exceptional Children.

Hollins, N. A., Morris, C., & Li, A. (2023). Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion readings within coursework: Suggestions for instructors teaching behavior analysis. Behavior Analysis and Practice.

Hollins, N. A. & Peterson, S. (2022). On blending active student responding with synchronous instruction to evaluate response accuracy. Journal of Behavioral Education.

Li, A., Hollins, N. A., Morris, C., & Grey, H. (2022). Essential readings in diversity, equity, and inclusion in behavior analytic training programs. Behavior Analysis and Practice.

Morris, C. & Hollins, N. A. (2021). On the uncanny similarities between police brutality and client mistreatment. Behavior Analysis and Practice.

Hollins, N. A., & Snyder, D. (2024). Considerations towards increased treatment durability in education settings. In D. Mitteer (Ed). Toward durability and generalization in the treatment of Autism.

Book Chapters:

Hollins, N. A., & Sevon, M. (2024). Educational Equity for Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Autistic Students: Considerations for School-Based Behavior Analysts. In J. Jessel (Ed). Incorporating the Principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for those with ASD. Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Classroom.

Hollins, N. A., & Peterson, S. (2021). Equitable Education. In J. Sadavoy & M. Zube (Eds.), A scientific framework for compassion and social justice: Lessons in applied behavior analysis. Taylor & Francis, NY.

Eldridge, R. R., Peterson, S. M., Rios. D., Kolb, R. L., & Hollins, N. A. (2021). Early intervention services for children with autism. In A. Maragakis, C. Drossel, & T. Waltz (Eds.), Applications of behavior analysis in healthcare and beyond. (2nd ed.) Springer International, Switzerland.

Professional Affiliations:

2022-present: Virginia Public Schools Behavior Analyst Network (VPSBAN)

2021-present: Virginia Association of Behavior Analysts (VABA)

2020-present: Association of Black Applied Behavior Analysts (BABA)

2018-2021: Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA)

2017-present: Association of Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)

2018-2021: Michigan Council for Exceptional Children (MCEC)

2016-2021: Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan (BAAM)

LinkedIn Profile