Team Member Spotlight of the Month

We love to feature our team members for their quality of work and assets they bring to the Partnership. Check back each month for a new team member spotlight.

Edgar Gamba

Cultural Broker to the Latinx Community

Edgar Gamba

What is your role at the Partnership?

I’m a Cultural Broker for the Latino Community

How long have you been at the Partnership?

3 years (part time)

What does your job entail?

Basically my job is to serve as a cultural bridge for the Latino/a community, giving all the support and coaching them to navigate in the system of people with disabilities.

What do you like best about your job?

What I’m passionate about my job is seeing how families become self-advocates for their loved ones with disabilities, and at the same time witnessing how they achieve the dreams and goals of their special health needs kids.

What is one thing you would like for everyone to know about the Partnership?

I think that compassion, understanding, close listening and commitment to the special needs community, are the values that stand out in the partnership.  This condition is due to the fact that we are parents or close relatives of people with special health conditions, and that is the key to helping others.

How do you define success?

I would define success at work by what I learned by key job assignment  experiences and how I was able to use that knowledge for improved results and myself.

What inspires you?

I’m inspired by constant progress, I find it exciting to implement new ideas, and see them through to the fruition, I find  the most satisfaction implementing out of the box ideas that ultimately prove their value.

I like to be challenged at the job and I like the opportunity to put in place my skills and talents.

What is one new thing you learned in the last month?

In the last month I had the honor to participate in a project within Family Voices United promoting Diversity and inclusion for  CYSHCN and their families (FamU) .

What is one step that everyone can take to foster inclusiveness?

Welcome ideas that are different from your own, and support fellow teammates. The creativity that comes with inclusiveness  can help to generate new ideas or improve a process already in place. It can also make work more interesting, engaging, and fun.