Richard Chapman, Ph.D.

Richard Chapman, Ph.D.*

Assistant Director for Disability Leadership


Richard Chapman is the associate director for disability leadership at the partnership for people with disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. He completed a postdoctoral research Fellowship at the University of Kansas in Lawrence Kansas studying self-determination intervention and assessment. He considers himself a disability studies scholar. He conducts research in the area of self-determination. He is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida. He has a bachelors degree, master’s degree, and a PhD all from the University of South Florida

Partnership Projects:

  • PEACE : Project Coordinator
  • Center for Disability Leadership
  • Self-determination and mental health: principal investigator
  • Inclusion Project: project coordinator
  • LEND Program: self advocate faculty
  • Core Grant

Expertise Areas:

  • Self-determination
  • mental health counselor
  • transition
  • participatory action research


  • Ph.D - University of South Florida
  • M.S. - University of South Florida
  • B.S. - University of South Florida

Certifications and Licensure:

  •  Licensed mental health counselor in Florida

Research Interests:

  • The intersection between self-determination and mental health.
  • Disability history of the 1960s and 70
  • Mental health counseling to persons with disabilities and their families


I am the PI for promoting self-determination in psychotherapy funded by The National Research Consortium in Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.


Peer-reviewed articles

  • Schuttler, J., Walls, S., Hicks, T., Shogren, K., Adams, H., & Chapman, R. (2024). Exploring parent/caregiver perspectives of self-determination and its impact on mental health in adolescents with and without disabilities.
  • *Developmental Disabilities Network Journal, 4*(1), Article 4. Shogren, K. A., Mazzotti, V. L., Hicks, T. A., Raley, S. K., Gerasimova, D., Pace, J. R., Kwiatek, S. M., Fredrick, D., Stewart Ginsburg, J. H., Chapman, R., & Wysenski, D. (in press). The Goal Setting Challenge App: Impact on transition goal attainment outcomes of students with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals.
  • Mazzotti, V. L., Shogren, K. A., Stewart-Ginsburg, J. H., Kwiatek, S. M., Hagiwara, M., Wysenski, D. C., & Chapman, R. A. (2024). The Goal Setting Challenge App: Promoting Self-Determination Through Technology. Remedial and Special Education, 45(1), 3-17. Raley, S. K., Townsend, R. J., Shogren, K. A., Mazzotti, V. L., Fredrick, D., Kwiatek, S. M., & Chapman, R. (2024). Examining Student Responses in Technology-Delivered Self-Determination Intervention Using the Goal-Setting Challenge App. The Journal of Special Education, 58(1).
  • Matusevich, H. A., Shogren, K. A., Raley, S. K., Zimmerman, K. N., Alsaeed, A., & Chapman, R. (in press). A systematic review of the research: The Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction within MTSS. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals
  • Shogren, K. A., Dean, E. E., Chapman, R., Swindler, S., Smith, H., & Bigler, K. (2023). Understanding the impacts of COVID policy changes on access to needed supports for families with children receiving Medicaid HCBS Waiver Services. *Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 61*(6), 506-516.
  • Chapman, R., Schuttler, J., Shogren, K., Walls, S.m, Adams, H., & Oyetunji, A. O. (2023). Applying the self-determined learning model of instruction to the psychotherapeutic context for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Developmental Disabilities Network Journal, 3(2), 98-116.
  • Witwer, A.W., Walton, K., Held, M,* Rosencrans, M, Cobranchi, C., Fletcher, R., Crane, J., Chapman, R., & Havercamp, S. M. & Nisonger RRTC (2023). A Scoping Literature Review of Current Psychotherapy Practices in Intellectual Disability. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.
  • Witwer, A. N., Rosencrans, M. E., Held, M. K., Cobranchi, C., Crane, J., Chapman, R., Havercamp, S. M., & The Ohio State University Nisonger RRTC on Health and Function (2022). Psychotherapy treatment outcome research in adults with ID: Where do we go from here?. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Available at
  • Havercamp, S.M., Barnhill, L.J., Bonardi, A., Chapman, R.A., Cobranchi, C., Fletcher, R.J., Rabidoux, P., Seeley, J.R., Tassé, M.J., & The Nisonger Center RRTC on Health and Function. (2021). Straight from the horse's mouth: Increasing self-report in mental health assessment in individuals with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Available at
  • Chapman, R. (2019) Dear Ms. P: AN Exploration in the Beliefs of High-Expectations for Individuals with Disabilities. The Qualitative Report, 24(8) 1826-1833. Retrieved from Davis, E.S., Norton, A, & Chapman, R. (2020). Counselors’-in-training perceptions of using music theoretical conceptualization training. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. Advanced online publication. https://doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2014.03.014
  • Davis, E., Norton, A.L., & Chapman, R. (2019). Using music for case conceptualization: Looking through an Adlerian lens. Journal of Individual Psychology, 75(2), 156-170. doi: Dold, C. J. & Chapman, R. (2011). “Hearing a voice: Results of a participatory action research study.” Journal of Child and Family Studies. DOI 10.1007/s10826-011-9505-9

Professional Affiliations:

  • AA IDD