The Virginia Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services holds a 5 year federal grant called Real Pay for Real Jobs (RPRJ) Education and Outreach, Partnership Development, provisions of Individualized Services and Capacity Building (EPIC) Approach. The Center for Family Involvement is a partner in supporting people with disabilities moving from subminimum wage to competitive integrated employment and shutting the door in the future to subminimum wage/sheltered employment for youth with disabilities.
Major Activities
- Work with the regional offices of the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services to provide family to family support to families of people with disabilities who are moving from subminimum wage to competitive integrated employment.
- Conduct person-centered planning with transition aged youth and their families around pre-employment transition services
- Explore with DARS how to embed family support and engagement into a well-functioning vocational rehabilitation system
Target Audience
Families of people with disabilities earning subminimum wage and families of transition aged youth seeking pre-employment transition services
Funding Source
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Dana Yarbrough, Project Principal Investigator
Email: dvyarbrough@vcu.edu
Nicole Brandenburger, Project Director
Email: tnbrandenburg@vcu.edu