Provide 1:1 LifeCourse person-centered planning support to families to encourage self-advocacy and career planning of their transition-aged youth with disabilities
Major Activities
- Recruit and train a network of family members using the Charting the LifeCourse ambassador materials from the Missouri UCEDD
- Match students with disabilities and their families with a Pre-ETS Family Ambassador to foster student self-advocacy skills through scripted goal setting
Target Audience
- Families of youth eligible for Pre-Employment Transition Services
- Schools
Funding Source
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Dana Yarbrough, Project Principal Investigator
Email: dvyarbrough@vcu.edu
Nickie Brandenburger, Project Director
Email: tnbrandenburg@vcu.edu
Helpline # 877-567-1122 (English, Arabic, Spanish)
Helpline email is cfihelpline@vcu.edu