Project PEACE: Community Collaborations for Employment
The goal of Project PEACE is to increase and enhance collaborations across existing local systems to maximize a seamless experience and outcome of youth with ID/DD as they transition between school and work in the community.
Major Activities
Develop a replicable and sustainable community collaboration process to expand and strengthen local services available to youth with IDD and create competitive integrated employment opportunities by developing and implementing a community employment transition plan. (eventually we will post the plan)
- Conduct and maintain a community landscape analysis that includes secondary data, photovoice, community conversations and virtual asset mapping. Community landscape analyses will capture community strengths and barriers for youth transitioning from high school to community employment. (eventually we will post the community landscape analysis)
- Enhance each community’s capacity to provide transition services and to facilitate improved transition activities. The project provides resources and training for youth with IDD, parents, businesses, and school personnel.
Project PEACE/Proyecto PEACE Infographic
Funding Source
Seb Prohn
Email Address
Community Landscape Analysis
Promoting Employment after high school through Community Expertise
Community Conversations - Session 1
Community Conversations - Session 2
A new perspective on transition: a photovoice project
Promoting Employment after high school through Community Expertise
Using Photovoice to Highlight Youths' Voices and Facilitate Employment Aspiration