Community Living

Providing opportunities for people with disabilities, family members, and professionals to work together to enhance collaboration, learn from each other, and improve outcomes.

Center for Disability Leadership

CDL supports and encourages people with disabilities to become leaders in their own lives and leaders in their communities.

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Center for Family Involvement

The Center for Family Involvement works with families to increase their skills as advocates, mentors, and leaders so families, children, and young adults with disabilities can lead the lives they want. Through a variety of direct service, training, technical assurance, and information dissemination, parents of children and young adults with disabilities receive emotional, informational, and systems navigational support. 

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Cost & Outcomes for People with Intellectual and developmental disabilities( I/DD)

Examine the impact of Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services on quality of life, quality of support, service utilization and cost.

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Cost Outcomes for People with Intellectual and developmental disabilities


Work with the regional offices of the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services to provide family to family support to families of people with disabilities who are moving from subminimum wage to competitive integrated employment.

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Leadership for Empowerment and Abuse Prevention

The LEAP project provides training by people with disabilities for others with disabilities about prevention of abuse by establishing healthy relationships. It is developing instruments to evaluate the Curriculum and involving VCU students as trainers.

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Medicaid Long Term Supports and Services Training (LTSS) 

Develop a competency based, web-based, modular training for all pre-screeners for LTSS assessing the level of care of individuals who may qualify for nursing facility or HCBS in Virginia.

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National Core Indicators (NCI) AD

NCI-AD gathers information through phone interviews with older adults and people with physical disabilities across the state of Virginia. The survey tools ask questions to learn more about people’s satisfaction with the long term services and supports (LTSS) they receive. 

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National Core Indicators (NCI) IDD

NCI-IDD gathers information through face-to-face interviews with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the state of Virginia. The survey tools ask questions to learn more about people’s satisfaction with the home and community based services  (HCBS) they receive.

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Partnership Research Center (RIC)

The Partnership has been designated as a university-level research center with an expectation to engage researchers from across the university on our work.

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Person Centered Practices

PCP promotes effective practices in person-centeredness and coordinates training and activities that are designed to spread and sustain person-centered practices across Virginia.

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Positive Behavior Support

The PBS Project increases the number of endorsed PBS Facilitators and coordinates training of positive behavior support, mentoring, and endorsement. The project provides resources to maintain quality services once people have completed the endorsement process.

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Pre-Employment Transition Services Family Ambassador Project

The Pre-Employment Transition Services Family Ambassador Project provides 1:1 life course person-centered planning support to families to encourage self-advocacy and career planning of their youth.

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Project PEACE: Community Collaborations for Employment

The goal of Project PEACE is to increase and enhance collaborations across existing local systems to maximize a seamless experience and outcome of youth with ID/DD as they transition between school and work in the community.

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Services Facilitation Training Modules

Development of content for required training modules for services facilitation for consumers-directed services in Virginia; design and develop website, modules, and resources

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Training on Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (TIDE)

To begin building the equity-centered capacity of CBOs in Virginia through developing and implementing a pilot foundational training on inclusion, diversity and equity (TIDE) and toolkit for CBOs serving people with IDD that includes assessments and reflective dialogue and that complies with the CMS and Virginia’s HCBS regulations.

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WIOA 511 Career Counseling

Section 511 of the federal Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act requires that workers with disabilities who are not paid minimum wage receive annual career counseling and information about self-advocacy, self-determination, and peer mentoring in order to improve their access to competitive integrated employment paying minimum wage or higher.

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